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Top 10 Best Fishing Gear for Beginners

Top 10 Must-Have Fishing Gear for Beginners

If you want to put your toe in the water, have you ever thought about it? Want to start fishing but need to know how? Fishing Gear for Beginners?

If so, keep reading! 

Why fishing is good for you

There’s no doubt that fishing is good for you. Stress goes down, and you can disconnect from the daily grind. It keeps you fit and gives you vitamin D from the sun. 

When it comes to making friends and family, fishing is a great way to do that. It’s worth sharing the experience of “catching the big one” or talking about the “one that got away.”

What’s not to love about Australia? We get to enjoy its beautiful scenery all the time.

Fishing Gear for Beginners 

When you first start fishing, deciding to buy can be challenging. Because of this, we’ve made a list of the most essential gear for beginners to get you started and help you catch your first fish. 

Top 10 Must-Have Fishing Gear for Beginners
Top 10 Must-Have Fishing Gear for Beginners

Fishing Rods & Reels

Rods come in many sizes and shapes and are used for many things. Graphite or other mixed materials can be used to make them. What kind of rod you need will depend on what type of fishing you like, like surf fishing, fly fishing, or putting out a line from the pier.

It would help if you started with a medium-strength rod to fish for different kinds of fish and get used to how they feel on the line. You want the rod to be sensitive enough that you can feel when a fish bites and quickly reel it in.

As a general rule, pick a rod that is 30 cm longer than your height. Getting a fishing combo is a great way to start because it gives you a rod and reel that are made to work together. You can always buy a rod and reel separately if you want to.

There are a lot of lightweight and inexpensive reels to choose from. A spinning reel is an excellent place to start because it can be used for many things. You can fish with them from the beach, a pier, or a boat.

Fishing Line

Like the ones we’ve discussed, your fishing combo will come with a fishing line. But having an extra line never hurts! The fishing line will often get tangled up and break.

Also, it’s helpful to have lines of different weights and strengths. Other lines are used in different situations and have extra stretch and casting ability levels.

You’ll need a more robust and heavier line when the water is rough. But when you fish in lakes and clear water, you need a thinner, precise line, like a braided line, that the fish can’t see and get scared of.

You can also use a monofilament line, which is simple and easy to work with. It’s easier for beginners to tie knots for their hooks. 

Keys Hooks 

Making sure you have plenty of fish hooks before you go is a must. You can get single, double, or even treble hooks, but single hooks are best if you’re starting out.


Of course, the thing that will go on your hook to catch fish is called bait. Worms and other live bait are good options. 


Lures are artificial bait. To get the attention of the predator, which is a bigger fish, they are made to look like real fish. 

If you ran out of live bait, it would help if you always had lures in your tackle box. Sometimes, the lure works better. Because there are so many lures, you can use them in many different weather and water conditions.


An essential part of your fishing gear is a sinker, which makes your hook and bait sink below the water. You’ll lose some along the way, so ensure you have extras.

Snaps and Swivels 

When you use certain baits and lures, your line twists and becomes a mess. A swivel is the best way to connect your line to your bait because it lets it spin freely. This works well for live bait.

Needle Nose Pliers 

You can take hooks off your catch and sometimes yourself with needle nose pliers! The Samaki Stainless Steel Pliers are an excellent example of stainless steel that you should use.


Sunglasses are a must because the sun can be very bright when you’re outside. This is especially true when you’re fishing. UV-polarized glasses will help you see what’s below the water’s surface.


In Australia’s weather, it’s essential to slip, slop, slap. That’s why you “slap on a hat.” Protect yourself from the sun by getting a hat with a wide brim.

Tackle Box 

We only wish there was a place to put all these treats, but luckily, we have a tackle box! There are many different styles and sizes of tackle boxes that can help you move your gear. Plus, it will help you keep all of your gear in order. 

These tips should help you start on the right track when buying your fishing gear. Remember that Fishing2Gear has eight stores in Queensland and New South Wales, where you can get help from real people. You can also shop online and contact us if you need to. 

Have fun fishing!

FAQ: Fishing Gear for Beginners

1. Q: What do I need for beginner fishing?

A: To start beginner fishing, choose a versatile rod and reel combo, a suitable fishing line, a variety of hooks and sinkers, live or artificial bait, a tackle box, pliers and line cutter, and a fishing license. Organize your gear with a tackle box, use pliers and line cutter for safe handling, and obtain necessary permits and licenses.

2. Q: What type of fishing is best for beginners?

A: Beginners should start with simple, accessible fishing methods like bait fishing, shore fishing, freshwater fishing, and panfishing. Bait fishing is effective for catching various fish species, shore fishing requires minimal equipment, freshwater fishing offers diverse opportunities, and panfishing targets smaller species.

Q: What is the best rig for beginner fishing?

A: The basic hook and sinker rig, also known as a bottom rig or carolina rig, is a versatile and effective choice for beginners. It involves tying a hook to the fishing line, attaching a sinker, and attaching bait. The rig is suitable for various fishing environments and can be used for practice.

4. Q: What fishing rod should I buy as a beginner?

A: To choose a beginner-friendly fishing rod, consider the rod’s length, power and action, material, and budget. Opt for a medium-length rod with medium power and moderate action, opt for durable materials like graphite or fiberglass, and consider your budget for a quality rod that lasts as you develop your skills.

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